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I am a freelance artist looking to develop working relationships with as many great people as possible. Everyday I look to improve on every aspect of my life and I strive for greatness. I want to share my success with all who support me as they are a huge part of what I do. I have love for all who have love for me and respect those who show me the same! I love life and enjoy the company of great people. I appreciate all who support what I do and formally thank you in advance, because you make all the difference in the world to me and what I am trying to achieve. So thank you!! visit www.epiccustoms.weebly.com today and help share my content with the world!!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

"RTV Mold Making"

Another very useful resource I found that I want to give special mention to is www.RTVmoldmaking.com. I found this site after becoming a friend on face book and thought it was a great place to find what I was looking for. Great products, really informative and very professional service!! This site is very straight forward with the prices there for you to find exactly what you are looking for, for any project you may have in mind. If you can't find exactly what you are looking for shoot Steve an email and he will direct you in the right place!! Watch this! 

1 comment:

crazylikeafox11 said...

Two posts on mold making. I find this helpful because I want to make a giraffe-a-la-pus for my brother & his wife for Christmas. (A giraffe-a-la-pus is what they decided to call this yellow dinosaur pool toy I bought. The sketch I did is pretty much a cross between a giraffe, a loch ness monster type thing and a dinosaur.) I figure the best way to make multiple is to make one and then make a mold and get some resin. I've not really looked too much into the process yet but perhaps I should get on top of that since Christmas keep inching closer.